Contact [email protected]
I am passionate about shaping the future with Autonomous Driving and aim to contribute to the development of safe and reliable self-driving systems through my experience in autonomous driving research.
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University
PNU Vehicle Dynamics & Energy Control Lab.
3rd Hyundai KIA AI Competition
5th Google ML Bootcamp
5th SKT FLY AI Challenger
#DeepLearning #ComputerVision #StateEstimation
#Python #Pytorch #MATLAB/Simulink #CAN #C/C++
Transaction of the KSAE
Gyeongho Cho, Changsun Ahn, Juhui Gim
Transaction of the KSAE
Gyeongho Cho, Seung-Han You, Changsun Ahn
Proceedings of the KSME Busan Branch Fall Conference, 2022
Gyeongho Cho, Changsun Ahn
‣ Hyundai Motor Company
SW Developer
‣ Volvo
Leader of Research Team
School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University
Teaching Assistant
Startup Club ‘Seafood Soy Soup’
Leader & SW Developer
Leader & SW Developer